How to Clean Up Your Social Media When You’re Job Searching

Have you ever took a look at your online reputation? Whether you're a student job searching or you are searching for a new career option, your online reputation matters. Here are some tips on how to clean up your social media when you're job searching. Listen Now Google yourself Other than reading your resume and contacting [...]

How to Clean Up Your Social Media When You’re Job Searching2018-02-22T02:12:18-05:00

How to Create a Content Calendar for Your Business

Do you have a content calendar for your social media?   A content calendar helps to get you more organized and actually saves you time because you are prepared ahead of time. If you're thinking to yourself 'this sounds like a lot of time and effort', I can tell you that it is worth the [...]

How to Create a Content Calendar for Your Business2021-10-04T20:00:16-04:00

Facebook Update to the News Feed and How it Affects Brands, Businesses and Media Outlets

Does it seem like Facebook has an update every other day? With the latest Facebook update, Mark Zuckerberg states that you'll see fewer public content like posts from businesses, brands, and media and more posts from your family and friends. I included his post below. Great, except for the pages who rely on Facebook... but [...]

Facebook Update to the News Feed and How it Affects Brands, Businesses and Media Outlets2018-01-13T04:05:35-05:00

What to do When Your Social Media Marketing Efforts Aren’t Working

"Social media doesn't work for me." Did you decide to use social media marketing to grow your business, get more leads, grow brand awareness, etc. but aren't meeting those goals? Like anything else, once you set up your social media accounts, you can't simply set them and forget them. Every once in awhile you need [...]

What to do When Your Social Media Marketing Efforts Aren’t Working2017-07-20T14:11:47-04:00
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