Does it seem like Facebook has an update every other day?

With the latest Facebook update, Mark Zuckerberg states that you’ll see fewer public content like posts from businesses, brands, and media and more posts from your family and friends. I included his post below.

Great, except for the pages who rely on Facebook… but it’s not as bad as it sounds.

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(Thanks to Peg Fitzpatrick who talked about this update on her Facebook Live show!)

Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook update post

What the latest Facebook update means for your Facebook page

Because the Facebook update means that potentially your page will be seen less in the news feed, it could mean less reach, less engagement, and less opportunity for your customers and potential customers to see your posts.

The update does, however, mention that the new update will give priority to high-quality, meaningful content.

What can brands, businesses and media outlets do about this?

Before you freak out, there are still ways to use Facebook as a way to interact with your customers. Here are a few ways to continue using Facebook and still get reach and engagement (hopefully).

Create great content

Create high-quality content that creates meaningful conversations. Think about the pain points of your audience and how you can help them. Ask them what they are interested in, or consider creating a survey of what matters to them.

Create a mix of content including video and live video in order to interact with your audience and show Facebook that your page matters to people.

Consider your whole marketing strategy

Think about your marketing strategy as a whole, not just building your business on one platform. I often suggest that if you can only be on one platform, to choose Facebook, but this update proves that you can’t put all your eggs in one basket.

Use Facebook as a compliment to your other marketing efforts including your website, e-newsletter, other social media platforms, media relations and traditional advertising. If you have a small budget you can add Facebook advertising to that list.

Get creative

Think of creative ways to bring people to your Facebook Page.

  • If you have a retail store or location where you get a lot of foot traffic, encourage customers to go to your Facebook page, but give them a reason such as coupons, tips, giveaways and contests.
  • If you have an e-newsletter, tell readers why they might enjoy your content on Facebook.
  • If you write a regular blog, you could link directly to a video on Facebook, or to an update.
  • Do an outreach program where you send direct messages to people who might find a post interesting and link to that post (don’t be too salesy or do this too often!)
  • Use Facebook groups as a way of complementing your page.

Keep this update in mind when you create content for your Facebook page and try thinking about creating highly meaningful posts that your audience will enjoy.

What do you think of this update? Does it worry you, or do you think it’s not a big deal? Let me know in the comments!