None of my social media posts are getting any engagement.

What am I going to post on Facebook?

Sound familiar?


When you’re running a business, you have so much going on, from HR to sales and oftentimes, posting on social media gets pushed to the bottom of the list. And even once you do get to it, you sometimes don’t feel overly creative.

We have all heard that video is taking over the social media world, but what happens when the only thing in your newsfeed is video…. except for one graphic post.

Our eye is drawn to whatever is different and stands out.

Lucky for you, I have four awwesome examples of posts to use, plus an amazing tool that can help, called Promo Republic.

Promo Republic has a database of 6,000 social media post ideas, including all different categories, special holidays, tips, and more. Plus, you can create graphics right within the site and even schedule to your social media platforms.  I love this tool, it’s one of my favourites.

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Why do you even need posts that get engagement on social media? Because the more your audience engages with your posts, the more they will see your content. And the more they engage with your content, the more their friends and family will see your content. So a number of people who will see your posts are going to grow.

Now, you don’t have to use Promo Republic in order to implement these 4 social media posts that increase engagement (but it does make it easier).

Aside from the typical motivational and inspiring quotes, here are four social media posts ideas to incorporate into your social media strategy that increases engagement.

Special Holidays

Did you know that September 25th was National One-Hit Wonder Day? Or that September 30th is National Chewing Gum Day? There is literally a special holiday for every day of the year, and most businesses can find a way to incorporate at least a couple of these into their social media posts.

National Chewing Gum Day on September 30th

National Chewing Gum Day on September 30th

Now, why would you want to post any of these special holidays?

Let’s say for example, that you have a kids brand or any product or service that revolves around children. Posting something as simple as a bubble gum selfie post could improve your engagement on social media, and get some fun responses from your audience.

Posting these fun holidays is a way to share something that still relates to your brand, but is a bit different and grabs attention. Plus, you can’t be posting ‘salesy’ posts all day every day (unless you want zero engagement) and this is an easy way to do this.

Questions, Polls, ‘What Do You Prefer’

What happens when you ask someone a question? Usually, they give an answer.

When you post a text post on social media, people might not engage, but when you ask a question or ask for input, people are more likely to engage.

social media post increase engagement

Posting a simple graphic like this, asking people to choose which they prefer is great because it makes it very easy for someone to engage with.

You could even attach a contest with a simple post like this. If you are a local YMCA or gym, let people know that anyone who leaves an answer is entered for a chance to win a free month at your gym.

A kitchen cabinet business could share images on colours people prefer, different cabinet styles, or share different types of kitchen layouts to see what customers prefer.

Want an even simpler way to get engagement?

I also love the variation of these with the Facebook reaction options on the image so that people can simply add their reaction to a post.

social media post increase engagement animal day


Who could post a graphic like this?

  • An animal hospital
  • science center
  • zoo
  • pet shop, etc.

It’s a fun graphic and depending on the text description you share with the graphic you could make a really fun post for your audience.


We’re all seen an infographic and these are usually the best on Pinterest, where they display the entire graphic. But posting a long infographic on Facebook or Twitter usually doesn’t look that great. That’s where a mini-infographic is very cool to share.

If you are a wedding photographer, or even a wedding decorator, wedding DJ, etc. you could post this cool mini-infographic showing brides-to-be some options for amazing wedding photo poses. It’s useful, and you only have to post one graphic versus 28 photos.

social media post increase engagement wedding photo


This type of mini-infographic below puts a bit of a spin on a typical infographic, by incorporating a mini-quiz into it. Anyone who is interested in their zodiac sign would find this interesting and either agree totally with the result or have something to say about it in the comments!

Posting this graphic and asking people to comment on if they agree/ disagree with their ‘style zodiac’ could be a fun post for a retail clothing store, sewing service or fashion stylist. (Mine is fairly true, minus the super-short hair!)

whats your zodiac style

You could create a graphic like this using any other graphics creation tool and incorporate images from your own business, showcasing clothing from your own shop, or even hairstyles from recent hairstyling clients.


Quick Tip, Information, Quick Takeaway

A health-focused business that wants to share quick tips and information for their audience could post a very simple graphic like below.

Or imagine the reaction a coffee shop would have posting something like this? Your audience doesn’t always have to agree with everything you post, you can post to get a reaction, or to surprise people too.

reaction on social media

I love my morning coffee and even though I would still choose coffee over an apple, this graphic definitely caught my attention and if the business posting this asked if I would try eating apples versus drinking coffee, I would be sure to add a comment!

One way to increase engagement and also drive more traffic to your blog is by taking small pieces of information from the blog and creating a simple tip graphic.

If you are a fashion blogger and wrote an epic blog post about the top fall fashion tips, take half of those tips, create an eye-catching graphic, and tell people for the other tips and your handy accessory guide, go to your blog post and direct people there. That way, everyone gains something from your social media post and anyone who wants even more, can go to your blog.

social media post from blog

Creating graphic posts from your blog posts are an awesome way of resharing the same blog post, but in a different way.

If you want to check out Promo Republic, you can sign up for free here.

I share more ways to creatively re-share your own content in this blog post.


What is your favourite social media post that increases engagement? I would love to hear from you! Share with me in the comments.