Social media is constantly changing and it’s sometimes hard to stay on top of every trend. As a business owner, we often have to do everything, plus take the time to market our business, be active online, and try to be pros on social media.

There is a good chance that if you are busy running your business, you may not have the time to learn about every feature of each social media network; that would be a full-time job.

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Good news for you, you don’t have to know every social media trend. There are a few quick things, that if you incorporate into your social media marketing, can help you look like a pro on social media.

Create a business Facebook page

If you decide to be on Facebook, creating an actual business page, not just using a personal profile is key. A personal profile should be used for personal uses, whereas a business page is created specifically to share business information and to allow people who like your brand, company, product and service to connect with you.

You can easily create a business Facebook page by following these tips on my post.

Use your personal profile when liking your business posts

When you want to like a post on your own business Facebook page, use your personal profile. You can easily change between a business page profile and personal profile by clicking on the triangle underneath the post, beside your profile image.

how to change profile on facebook

When liking your business page posts, change to your personal profile

Why do you want to do this? It looks strange to see a post on a business page and the business itself likes it. Liking as your personal profile makes more sense.

If you are on a business page other than your own, consider liking posts as your business profile. Liking posts and pages as your business page connect your business to that business and increases the reach of your business.

Don’t steal from the internet

This seems like common knowledge but I was surprised to see this happening when I was searching on different Facebook pages. I noticed businesses using stock photos with the watermark still on it. Please don’t do that, you could get yourself into trouble from the person or company who actually owns that image.

If you need to find free images to use online, there are many sites you can use. Here are 9 Free Stock Image Sites You Can Use for Social Media.


If you have a social media account, make sure to take time to actually use the account. A stale, unused social media  account won’t do any good for your business.

If customers are posting questions on your social media accounts, make sure to take time to reply and help answer their questions. Would you ignore a customer who came into your location with a question or comment? I hope not, and I hope you don’t do this online either.

It might be tempting to simply delete negative comments, but it is better to reply and try to resolve the issue. You don’t need to carry on a conversation publically, feel free to message privately or call them, but at least reply to their comment so they know you are working on it.

Want to look even more pro? Check out my social media for beginners course and get your business set up for success online.

I hope these tips help you, please let me know in the comments if you have any additional tips you could share!