Are you struggling to figure out how to create better social media posts?
Have you been trying to get more engagement on social media but your results are lacking?
There are a few things you can do write more effective social media post and boost your engagement and reach. Here are 5 things to incorporate into your social media post strategy.
1. Be Personal
Think of what makes you unique and different and incorporate that into your posts. Now I don’t mean posting crazy party photos, but let people get to know who you are and what sets you apart.
There is a local real estate agent in my area and she started doing videos and interviewing local businesses. She’s done some cool ones featuring a home inspector, but also just other businesses she supports. It sets her apart from other real estate agents, plus she gets to meet so many people in the community, and she’s enjoying it!
How can you share your personality and style within your social media posts?
How are you different from everyone else in your industry?
When you share your personality, your own opinions and your style, it allows people to truly connect with you and get to know why they might want to do business with you.
2. Add Visuals
Including visuals into your social media posts is a must. Using images, GIFs and video will allow your posts to stand out, and grab the attention of people who are scrolling through hundreds of other posts.
Video is huge right now and there is a lot of hype about going ‘live’. If being live scares you, first try creating videos and once you get more comfortable being on camera, try going live. Chances are if your page is starting out, you won’t have a huge amount of people actually tuning in live, but you will likely get a lot of replay viewers, which will expand the reach of the post, and that video will live on your profile so people can keep watching it.
Here are some more ways of creating videos without actually being in front of the camera.
Some great and easy graphic creators are:
- Canva, Relay and Promo Republic for simple social media graphics
- GIPHY for GIF creation
- Ripl for animated graphics
- Animoto and Adobe Spark for quick videos
- Filmora for more advanced (but still easy) video editing
3. Ask & Answer
People love to be able to give their input and to help you out with a problem so give them the opportunity to do so. One great way to engage your audience on social media is to simply ask questions.
This is a simple video I did on my Facebook page where I asked one question, shared a personal story, and also how I incorporated this into my own business. It got some good engagement, plus I got more ideas for future videos and content.
Another great social media post is to answer any FAQ’s your customers ask. You could provide a quick video, blog, podcast or graphic answering this question.
If you have questions that keep coming up in your business, consider doing a video series addressing those questions, or do a live video where people can ask you questions in real time. You could also choose one day a week where you focus on answering questions for your audience.
4. K.I.S.S. – Keep it simple and short
Keeping it short is referring to the actual graphic, not the description in the post. When you are creating visuals for social media, using shorter quotes or limited text works best, because you can make the text larger and stand out more. In the actual description of the social media post you can still test out using long-form text (like a micro-blog).
Micro-blogging, which is basically just writing a mini blog post for a social media post, has worked well for me on Instagram, because people can enjoy the pretty image, but if they are interested in the tip I am giving, they don’t have to link off to my blog, but get all the valuable information right there on the actual post.
I’ve tried out long-form posts on Facebook, but for the actual graphic, using limited text seems to work best. For the actual graphic you post, use fewer words and use a compelling graphic instead.
Mari Smith is a great example of someone who posts micro-blogs on Facebook.
This is one example of a post that Mari did where she shared a video, but also write a couple paragraphs describing the video and her content.
5. Font
People are scrolling quickly on social media, so make sure your graphics are very easy to read. Being consistent with your type will also create a sense of brand for your business and people will start to identify who you are by the look of your graphics.
Instagram is a great example of using an easy to read font. When you are scrolling through someone’s images, making the font large enough to read, and sticking to a few specific font groups helps to create a more consistent feel to your profile, and makes it more aesthetically pleasing.
And hey, if you really want to get a blast of engagement online, just include a spelling mistake. People will be sure to point out your error 😉
Do you have any tips to share? What has helped you improve your posts on social media? Please share in the comments below!