Are you considering a social media marketing conference to attend in 2019?

In 2017, I decided to attend Social Media Marketing World, which is held in San Diego. It was a great decision.

Not only is the conference jam-packed with amazing speakers, you learn the top trends in social media marketing, Facebook ads, and video marketing, but you actually get to interact and meet the speakers, and meet other cool people, which was amazing. (I liked it so much, I signed up to be an affiliate this year! Use this link to grab the latest discounted ticket prices!)

If you’re looking for a marketing conference to attend in 2019, here are some reasons to attend Social Media Marketing World 2019.

Learn from the experts

I follow so many social media experts, and you can pretty much find all of them at Social Media Marketing World.

Social Media Marketing World 2019 Speakers:

  • Amy Porterfield – I talk about Amy often in my videos, blog and podcast because she is awesome!
  • Peg Fitzpatrick – I watched her Pinterest workshop in 2017 and she’s such a great teacher. A must-see speaker!
  • Mari Smith – The Facebook expert, her session in 2017 was great and she shared some of the top trends
  • Amy Landino – I’ve been following Amy for years and she shares her top tips for not just creating amazing videos, but for how to speak to your audience and how to get started
  • Sue Zimmerman – The Instagram expert who always adds some fun into her teaching!
  • Brian Fanzo- all about technology and sharing his thoughts on upcoming trends and platforms.
  • Jasmine Star – is someone I’m excited to hopefully meet in 2019. I follow her for her Instagram tips and overall business tips.
  • Madalyn Sklar – teaches Twitter and is a super cool person to chat with too
  • Michael Stelzner – the founder of both this conference and Social Media Examiner, the top social media authority
  • Rebekah Radice – when I attended her session in 2017, it was jam-packed and she delivered great information about creating social media graphics and branding for your business.

This is only a handful of the amazing speakers they have at SMMW. For a full list, you can read more here.

Meet the social media experts you follow

One of the most exciting things about Social Media Marketing World, was that I got to meet the people who I follow online. And of course take some selfies.

It was really cool to get to speak to so many of the social media experts and although I didn’t need to put a face to a name, it was cool to just meet these people that I know so much about and listen to and/or watch almost weekly (and now with Instagram Stories, sometimes daily!)

Maybe you aren’t as much of a ‘fan girl’ as I am with these social media people, but I seriously was. Maybe 2019 I can be cooler. Not likely.

Meet online friends IRL

Another cool thing about this social media conference is meeting anyone you know online, in real life. I got to meet some amazing ladies who I met through Sue Zimmerman’s coaching program.

Hivers! Plus Sue 🐝 Zimmerman being colourful

Do you have people who you are friends with online, but have never actually met in person? This is a great opportunity to meet and learn together (or just get drinks, I don’t judge).

Enjoy San Diego

One thing that I didn’t do quite as much as I plan on doing in 2019 is actually just enjoy San Diego. I had never been there before and was wonderfully surprised by how beautiful, hot and amazing it was.

There (apparently) is so much to do in San Diego (and you can apparently just walk on over to Mexico if you like) so I can’t wait to go back and enjoy the sun and scenery.


Variety of Options

Since I was planning on doing a bit more touring around San Diego, I bought the community pass for Social Media Marketing World 2019, so I can still attend the keynotes and live stage sessions. Plus, the tickets are selling at a discounted price now, so grab a ticket at the best price!

If you want access to all the sessions, workshops and networking parties, the all-access pass might work better for you.

Another option if you are unable to travel is to buy a virtual ticket and listen/ watch the sessions when you’re able to. Though I highly recommend attending. If you’re anything like me, you have great intentions to watch all the sessions, but end up only watching some of them.

Are you attending Social Media Marketing World 2019 #SMMW19? Let me know in the comments, maybe we can meet IRL!