Do you have a blog for your business?

Need more ideas for creating consistent blog content?

Regularly writing a blog requires consistency, dedication and …. ideas! Here are seven tips to write a blog post that people will actually read.

Use your own unique voice

There is so much content available to us, and you want to let your readers know why they want to read your content. By writing in your own voice and adding your personal spin on a subject, it makes it much more interesting for your readers and can make you more relatable too.

blog post tips

Let your uniqueness shine through!

If your blog content sounds like everyone else’s, it will be hard for people to connect with you. But, if you can stand out to people in some way, they are more likely to come back for more.

Write about what interests you

Do you actually enjoy what you are blogging about? If you don’t enjoy what you are writing about, chances are other people won’t enjoy it either.

If you are struggling to put your interests down on paper, but you excel at creating videos, consider creating videos and sending to Fiverr or Rev  to have them transcribed. Then you can format the transcription into a blog post and embed your video within your blog post. Now your readers have the option to read or watch your content.

Know who you’re writing for

Keeping your ideal customer in mind, or who specifically you are trying to help with your blog, think about what they want to read about.

Is your blog:

  • Helping them in some way?
  • Providing them with valuable tips?
  • Entertaining them?
  • Written in a way that they will understand?

When you are writing, always keep your audience in mind so you can tailor your content to them.

Need blog post ideas? Download 52 ideas now

Make it easy to read

People have limited time, so you want to create your blog so that it is easy to consume.

  • Use headings and lists.
  • Use an easy-to-read font.
  • Add visuals to keep it interesting
  • Give people options. If you record a podcast, embed the audio into your blog. If you have videos that relate to your blog post, embed those. Then, if someone prefers to watch or listen versus read, they have that option.
  • Use short paragraphs.

Write an interesting title

This is one thing I am still working on, but including a great, catchy title could be the difference between someone reading your blog or choosing someone else’s.

There are a few great blog title creators that I like using:

  • Portent allows you to enter a subject and it will give you an interesting title like ‘’
  • With Hubspot, you enter 1-3 words into the title generator and it will give you 5 different blog topic titles.

Titles with ‘how to’ or ‘X tips’ are great ways to start a blog title, or using a really different title that grabs attention.

Earlier this year I wrote a blog post titled ‘Weight Loss for Your Social Media’ which I wrote based on New Year’s Resolutions and included tips for ‘trimming down’ your social media time, money and effort. If I had of called it ‘Tips for Social Media’ it likely wouldn’t have been as effective.

Make it visual

A great way to break up written content, and draw readers’ eyes throughout the post is to include great visuals.

You can get amazing free visuals from sites like Pexels or Unsplash, and if you have a bit of a budget, BigStock or GraphicStock have some great options.

For blog posts that include how to’s and tutorials, adding a video embed or screenshots will help show readers what or how they are supposed to do what you are trying to teach them.

Promote your content

Once you start spending time writing high-quality and valuable blog posts, you want to make sure people are reading them, which means you need website traffic.

If you have a small audience, your website traffic might be low, so how do you promote your content?

Social media

Of course I want to mention social media, and although it seems obvious, many people stop promoting their blog post after they share it only once.

If you’re worried about sharing the same content, don’t be. You can share the same content in different ways so that it looks different and still gives value to your audience.

  • Share a link to your blog post and share a couple sentences about what readers will learn
  • Create 3-4 graphics with key takeaways from your blog (I could create 7 separate graphics for each tip listed in this blog and share each graphic on a different day, spread out throughout a month) and post throughout the month, with a link to the blog post.
  • Create a video with some of the tips from your blog and mention the blog post at the end of the video.
  • Use your Instagram link to promote your new blog post.
  • Create an Instagram story about your blog post and share key tips from the blog. You could create several stories throughout the month talking about the same blog, but sharing new insights.
  • Create a SlideShare presentation with highlights of your blog post and link to your blog post. You can add this SlideShare presentation to your LinkedIn profile.
  • Create a LinkedIn Published Post and summarize your blog, or give away a few of the tips, and link to your blog for all the tips.
  • Create a custom Pinterest graphic and save on Pinterest. Sharing onto relevant group boards is a great way to get more eyes on your content.
  • Add a social sharing plugin to your website to make it easy for your readers to share.
  • Share your blog in relevant Facebook groups (watch for special ‘blog sharing’ days, you don’t want to get kicked out of a group for self-promoting)

These are just a few of the ways to share your blog multiple times on social media.

Social bookmarking sites

Adding your blog posts to sites like StumbleUpon or Delicious is a way of getting more views on your blog content. These social bookmarking sites lets you save links to articles to reference later and share them. You can add your own content, and also discover other great articles to read or share onto social media.

Use Quuu promote

I mentioned a blog earlier that I wrote in January focused on social media tips and it got picked up by the Quuu promote service. Quuu promote shares articles for people to share on their social media.

I noticed one day on Twitter that I had way more shares of this particular article than I normally had. I checked my analytics and noticed that Quuu was referring some traffic so I asked them about it, and in fact that article at the time had over 600 shares. After a few weeks I noticed my referral traffic from Twitter was much higher and it was all thanks to Quuu promote. You can also purchase their service for a small dollar amount (I think about $30 for a month).

Bonus tip: post consistently. This year I created a content calendar so I know each week what I am focusing on and what day I am creating posts. This keeps me organized and much more consistent.

I hope these tips helped and you feel more comfortable starting a new blog, or being more consistent on your current blog.

Let me know in the comments below any great tips for writing awesome blog posts!


Remember to grab you free PDF: 52 Blog Post Ideas