One of my goals for 2017 was to read one business book a month for the whole year. I think learning is so important but I sometimes don’t make reading a priority, so thought this would hold me accountable.

I thought it was a pretty reasonable goal and even if I only read 10 books, I thought that would be a great addition of knowledge for the year.

Another reason I wanted to do this was because I chose a word for the year (confident) and felt that this would up my knowledge and in turn, make me feel more confident.

Here are the 12 books (plus some bonus books that I’m not quite finished) I read this year and my thoughts of them.


Vlog Like a Boss by Amy Schmittauer

The first book I read this year was Vlog Like a Boss: How to Kill It Online with Video Blogging. Amy is best known for her YouTube channel and providing tips and strategies for creating videos, social media, and business.

The reason I love this book is that Amy gives you some overall thoughts about doing video and encourages anyone to try creating videos. But she also provides really tangible advice for creating videos like how to do video collaborations to build your channel, call-to-actions and her ‘authority video formula’.

If you want to improve your videos, or need to understand how to get started with creating videos, this is a must-read.

Note: If you are thinking of launching a book, check out Amy’s strategy. She ROCKED her launch by vlogging each day, using Thunderclap, doing hundreds of podcast (she’s on mine!) and video interviews and of course, doing a musical book review, and sending a digital copy of her book out to fans so that she could launch the book with some Amazon reviews right off the bat. Super-smart.

Listen to my interview with Amy here

The Confidence Code: The Science and Art of Self-Assurance- What Women Should Know by Katty Kay & Claire Shipman

Since my ‘word of the year’ for 2017 was confidence, I thought it was fitting to choose a book about confidence. The Confidence Code: The Science and Art of Self-Assurance—What Women Should Know shares examples of successful women and their struggle and journey with confidence.

As it states in the title, this book shared some very scientific facts and data about confidence and the difference between confidence in women and in men.

Along with scientific data, this book does also share tangible things to incorporate into your life in order to become more confident and even offers ways to build your daughter up to be more confident.

The Thank You Economy by Gary Vaynerchuk

You know your husband knows you when he buys you a Gary Vee book for Valentine’s Day. He actually bought me #AskGaryVee and since I already owned that book, he exchanged for The Thank You Economy which I was so excited to read because it was the only book I hadn’t ready yet of Gary’s.

The Thank You Economy is filled with valuable ways to improve the way you provide customer service, how to incorporate social media into your marketing strategy, and interesting insights like ‘the ROI of Emotions’.

I love this book because Gary shares real-life examples of companies who are doing ‘above-and-beyond’ things to exceed customers’ expectations and build their brand and business. It also shares ways for small businesses to succeed, even with small budgets and teams.

If you haven’t read any of Gary’s books, I highly recommend The Thank You Economy, Crush It, Jab Jab Jab Right Hook, #AskGaryVee and his upcoming book Crushing It.

The Miracle Morning: The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life Before 8 AM by Hal Elrod

I loved this book not only for the morning tactics but for Hal’s story itself. He was hit head-on by a drunk driver when he was only 20, yet has overcome that and is an amazing inspiration.

What I liked about The Miracle Morning: The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life (Before 8AM) is that Hal provides ways to improve your morning and start your day off with a bang, yet you can re-work this formula to fit your own life.

He also gives step-by-step instructions for creating your own affirmations and gives you a detailed plan for creating your own Miracle Morning. He also provides free resources to use to help you change your mornings and life.


Girl Code: Unlocking the Secrets to Success, Sanity and Happiness for the Female Entrepreneur by Cara Alwill Leyba

The interesting thing about Girl Code: Unlocking the Secrets to Success, Sanity and Happiness for the Female Entrepreneur is that she incorporates interviews throughout the book and inspiring quotes from successful women.

If you want a feel-good, empowering type book, this is an easy read that will remind you to empower other women, not compete.

She Means Business: Turn Your Ideas Into Reality and Become a Wildly Successful Entrepreneur by Carrie Green

 While reading this book, I added a lot of tabs so I could go back and use this book as a resource, because that is what I would call it, a resource.

If you need help, steps, and inspiration for creating big business goals, this is the book for you. Carrie gives you resources, and steps like her 12-step visualization process to get and stay intentional in your business.

She Means Business: Turn Your Ideas into Reality and Become a Wildly Successful Entrepreneur also shares tips and strategies for incorporating social media into your business and how to take advantage of Facebook ads, groups and Pinterest.

The free website and resources that come with this book are also super valuable and come free with the book.


Driven: How to Succeed in Business and in Life by Robert Herjavec

Robert, who is one of CBC’s ‘Dragon’s’ wrote a very real, yet inspiring book with Driven: How To Succeed In Business And In Life.

I like this book because I personally don’t know anything about investing, or pitching, and I’m also a fairly new business owner, so this gives some valuable insight into those areas.

Driven shares some of Robert’s personal stories and he incorporates what he learned throughout all these chapters in his life into business and how to use these learnings in business, which I really like. It also makes me even more aware that I need to learn more about business.

Driven gives detailed steps for:

  • how to deal with the stress of running a business
  • successful business partnership steps
  • how to handle customer complaints (from what he learned as a waiter- love this)

The 10X Rule: The Only Difference Between Success and Failure by Grant Cardone

I was surprised once I started reading this book because The 10X Rule is actually more than a business book, but touches on personal, exercise and relationships too.

The 10X Rule talks about achieving success with extreme action and doing more than the average person. Grant also gives exercises throughout the book so that you can get clear on what you want and the actions you are going to do to 10X your life and business.

The 10X Rule also sheds some light on money, and why wanting more money isn’t a ‘bad’ thing and his thoughts on being rich. I really liked this book, it puts some fire under you to do more and achieve more.



Get Over Your Damn Self: The No-BS Blueprint to Building a Life-Changing Business by Romi Neustadt

This book is interesting because she gives insight into sales, following up and dealing with rejection.

Get Over Your Damn Self gives practical tips for following up on a ‘no’ sale, letting go of the fear of someone declining your service, and gives her ‘reach-out’ rules for prospective clients.

This is a good book to help build up your confidence and to anyone who is trying to lessen the fear they have with sales, speaking with prospective clients and hearing the word ‘no’.

You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life by Jen Sincero

This book focuses on your mindset and stresses the importance of loving yourself. Now before you think this sounds like ‘fluff’ it’s absolutely not. Mindset is a huge part of success in your business, in life, in relationships, and with our bodies.

You Are a Badass mixes in mindset messages with tips for delegation to build your business, incorporating your passion into your life and living a life you love.

If you aren’t completely happy with your life and business and feel like there is ‘something more’, this is a great book to read.


DotCom Secrets: The Underground Playbook for Growing Your Company Online by Russell Brunson

I’ve mentioned a few books that I will continue to use as resources and this is another one of them.

DotCom Secrets gives awesome details about creating successful online funnels, finding your ideal customers and the elements of a sales funnel.

If you need to improve your online sales and create a better customer journey, this is a fantastic resource to walk you through that process.

The 4-Hour Workweek, Expanded and Updated: Expanded and Updated by Timothy Ferriss

I have to admit, I resisted this book because I thought ‘4-hour workweek’? How is that possible?

But once I read this book, I understood. The 4-Hour Workweek isn’t a book about ‘passive income’ or not working, but more about being productive, working smarter, and not wasting time. Love.

The 4-Hour Workweek gives advice about how to work smarter, working with a Virtual Assistant, repurposing content and really specific tips like not answering your email all day, and how to setup your appointments in a more productive way.

Because I love tools, I like that Tim offers suggestions for tools to use for website creation, creating online forms, online payment processing, and more.

F**k It: Do What You Love by John C. Parkin

(yes, you counted right, this is book 13).

The title is perfect because this is exactly what the book is about. F**k It – Do What You Love is all about living a life you love by doing the thing that makes you happy.

John goes through his process of not only living a life he loves but also how he maps out what he needs to do to do the things he truly wants to do in his business.

I like that this book talks about the balance of business and life and the different things he does in business, his relationships and his life.

Want to live a life you love and do what you love? Read this book.

Pilot to Profit: Navigating Modern Entrepreneurship to Build Your Business Using Online Marketing, Social Media, Content Marketing and Sales by Lisa Larter

I didn’t include this book on my list of 12, because I had previously read this book, but attended Lisa’s MMM Event, so I bought another copy and re-read it.

This book is another fantastic resource for figuring out your business, getting your sales and numbers on track, and using content marketing and social media effectively to grow your business.

Lisa is an amazing resource herself, and I highly recommend Pilot to Profit for any business owner who needs to get focused in their business.

Book Distraction

I have to admit- I get distracted by books. I might be reading a fantastic book, but then I get a new one, and I start reading that one. Because of that, I’m currently still reading All In by Arlene Dickinson, Money: Master the Game by Tony Robbins, and NonStop Sales Boom by Colleen Francis.

Now I need 12 more books for 2018! Do you have any recommendations? These are the books currently on my must-read for 2018:

  • Crushing It by Gary Vaynerchuk (already pre-ordered!)
  • Profit First
  • The Advisor Playbook (recommendation from Lisa Larter)

Have a great business book that you recommend? Let me know in the comments!