Facebook is always changing (as we all know) and looking for ways to increase the enjoyment of their users. Have you ever noticed the survey facebook sometimes asks you to complete? They are looking for what you as a user finds interesting and what you like to see in your news feed.
Using this data, Facebook is trying to put stories that you like, at the top of your news feed. This is in an effort to provide users with the most relevant information first.
You might be wondering – how does this affect my business Facebook Page? Well, according to Facebook, it might not really affect it at all. But, if you are encouraging your readers to like, comment and share, although your page might see an initial spike in reach, this will probably be balanced out by the new Facebook changes.
Basically, what Facebook is trying to do is to provide their users with the best, and most relevant stories at the top of the news feed, and weed out the pages that are not providing their users with any useful or relevant content. So what do you need to do to keep your audience visiting your Facebook Page? Keep providing content that your readers like, engage with your audience and build a strong community around your brand.