Does the thought of posting on social media make you cringe because it takes too much time?

Do you feel scattered and unorganized when it comes to your social media marketing plan?

Did you laugh out loud when you read social media marketing plan because you don’t have one?

Well, stress no more! We are going to review the 4 pillars of the best social media plan so you are left feeling organized and stress-free.

Your goal for social media

Just like in business, you need to know your goals of social media.

Possible social media goals:

  • increase social media audience by 500 new followers by (date)
  • increase event attendance by 10 new people a month
  • increase engagement on Instagram by 10%

Your goals can also be different depending on the platform you’re using.

For example, my goal on YouTube is to provide quick social media tips and tutorials for anyone who might be searching for those topics, whereas Twitter my goal is to connect with social media influencers and social media marketers, as well as start a conversation with people who share my blog content.

setting goals for social media a step-by-step guide

Need more goal-setting tips? Read Setting Goals for Social Media.


Identify your ideal customer

If you don’t have a customer avatar and aren’t clear about who you are speaking to online, it’s going to make it that much harder to write social media posts.

Once you know exactly who your ideal customer is, you can start adding specifics to your posts. For example, if your ideal customer is a woman 35-54 years, interested in wellness, cycling, and yoga, you can add some posts and images about yoga, mention in your videos about a class you took, or mention that you are going away to a yoga retreat and ask if anyone else has went to one. It helps give you content ideas for social media and helps hone in on the text you write.

Decide what platform is best for your business

Are you trying to be on every social media platform and having mediocre results?

When you aren’t sure what platform to be on, consider:

  • the platform you enjoy using
  • how much time you have, which will identify how many platforms you can manage well
  • asking your current customers the platform they use
  • the demographics of the platform (see infographic below)

social media demographics infographic

Choose 1-3 social media platforms to focus on and work on using them really well. Focus on engaging with your audience and creating content that they want to read/watch/ listen to.

What content you post

The one thing that has helped me the most with feeling organized on social media is determining what content I create and share. I decided that I wanted to create my own content and that I wanted to share content via a podcast, blog post, videos, and graphics.

I also created a content calendar where I could write out upcoming holidays that I needed to post about and add content themes so that each day I know what to post.

If you want to create a social media plan, those are the 4 main pillars to consider:

  • Why you’re using social media and your goal
  • Who you’re speaking to
  • Where you’re posting and what platform you’re using
  • What content you’re posting

social media framework course

Want access to all my social media planning material? Grab my free Social Media Framework course, where I go through the 4 main pillars.

With the Social Media Framework you also get free:

  • content calendar
  • sheet to track your numbers
  • goal tracking guide
  • customer avatar workbook
  • social media planner for 2017/2018

If you would like access to a free social media course, get that here >>