Do you struggle with writing consistent blog posts each month or week?
In this post, I share some ways to maintain a consistent blog and create a blog post without writing.
Why should I have a blog?
First, let’s start with why you should even have a blog for your business.
Writing a regular, consistent blog not only gives you content to share on social media but it also gives you the opportunity to share your knowledge and opinion with your audience. It’s great to share other peoples content but sharing your own content is powerful and a way of gaining more website traffic.
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But what if you don’t like writing?
There are ways to write a blog post without actually writing.
Transcribe a video
One great way to ‘write’ a blog post is to simply record a video with you talking about a subject and then send to a service that transcribes the video. Fiverr and Rev are two options that you can use to transcribe your video.
One nice thing about this option is that when you record a video, you can then embed that video into your blog post so that people can either read, watch, or do both.
Need some blog post ideas to get you started? Download 52 Blog Post Ideas.
Transcribe audio
If you aren’t crazy about creating videos, another way to ‘write’ a blog post is by simply transcribing an audio file.
You can easily create an MP3 audio file by using your phone, or a desktop program like Filmora. You won’t have the video to embed on your blog, but if you enjoy recording audio, you should consider creating a podcast which you can now do easily by using the Anchor app.
Request guest bloggers
I’ve been getting more requests from people who want to write a blog post on my blog. Why? Because they then link to their website, which grows their audience and increases their website traffic.
This is one thing you can consider when you want a consistent blog but just don’t have the time or ideas to write a blog each week. Simply create a ‘Request for Guest Bloggers’ page on your website or post on social media.
Popsugar has a great page for requests for guest bloggers and they layout exactly who they are, the types of posts they want and how to apply.
Having a guest blogger can be win-win because you get free content and the writer gets a valuable link to their blog. If you do consider the guest blogger approach consider the following:
- research writers before you agree to have them write on your blog. If you value your website and blog, you will want to work with high-quality, valuable writers who will bring your audience value, not just a writer who wants a link to their own blog.
- make sure you have a rundown of what you want for the blog post; number of words, subject, link requirements, etc.
- ask to see samples of their previous work
- ask if they will be promoting the post on their own social media
Hire a writer
If you just can’t make the time to write/record and transcribe a blog post, consider hiring a writer. You can:
- hire a low-price blog post on Fiverr and then edit and add content.
- hire a freelancer on Upwork.
- hire a local writer that you know, like their style, and trust that you won’t have to do a lot of editing.
If you don’t have time to write or record, chances are you don’t have the time to watch over someone and edit their writing, so hiring someone who you trust to do the job properly might be the best option.
Whatever option you do decide to do, know that you can always alter your strategy, or implement a few of these strategies. And when you are posting regular content to your website, check your analytics to measure which posts are the most successful and what people spend the most time reading.
Do you currently write a blog? Are you going to start?