Is it possible to get Facebook Page likes without paying for Facebook advertising?

You might have heard the ‘pay-to-play’ saying when it comes to Facebook. That simply means that it sometimes seems that unless you pay to ‘boost’ a social media post, or place an ad, your page and posts don’t seem to be noticed.

For me, I have a smaller audience on Facebook, so it’s easier me for to reach a larger percentage of my fans. But for larger pages with hundreds of thousands of followers, their reach may be quite low.

Other than sharing great content consistently each day and watching your insights to make sure you are sharing the right content at the right times, what else can you be doing?

How To Get Facebook Likes Without Paying for Ads

Post content that your fans will love


Obvious, right?

When your audience enjoys your posts and then shares them, that post reaches more people outside of who you are currently reaching, and you could potentially gain new fans.

But what types of posts are more likely to get those valuable shares?

  • Contests: Running an amazing giveaway of one of your awesome products, a free service, gift card or prize from a great local business are all things people want, and if that contest is cool enough, people will want to share. (Make sure your contest complies with Facebook rules.)
  • Live video: If you can, go Live on Facebook. This might seem like a daunting task, but remember, this only has to be for a few minutes. Make sure to stay on long enough to get interested people watching, but this doesn’t have to be a hugely long video. 7-10 minutes is plenty long enough for a worthwhile Live video.
  • Videos: Speaking of video…Videos uploaded natively to Facebook perform quite well, especially if it has something funny, entertaining, informational, or jaw-dropping included.
  • Images: Oftentimes images with funny, inspirational, educational or motivational quotes with beautiful or cool images are great for increasing likes, comments and shares. And as these images are shared, your exposure increases, leading to new fans liking your Page.

Marie Forleo truly knows how to rock it on social media. Not only does she post regular videos on Facebook sharing her business wisdom, but she is also funny and entertaining, answers questions, and acts herself. She’s amazing.

Marie Forleo knows how to rock social media

Marie Forleo knows how to rock social media with her amazing and funny videos

Post consistently

Once you start posting these amazing posts, make sure not to lose momentum. Post regularly- ideally at least once a day.

Facebook page likes without advertising

Use your Insights to see when the best time to post onto Facebook is (likely 8am-10pm, but that might vary if you deal with a global audience).


#3: Be you.

Your audience wants to hear from you. They want to connect with you. And that doesn’t mean being perfect.

Have you ever posted something with a spelling mistake and (unfortunately) got so many comments? I’m not saying to post spelling mistakes, but don’t worry about being perfect.

Other than purposely posting mistakes which I don’t recommend, other ways to share ‘you’ are:

  • Being transparent with your audience, whether it’s via customer service, admitting a mistake, or sharing a real story.
  • Engaging in conversations by replying to comments, answering questions, and asking them questions.
  • Behind-the-scenes videos, photos and stories.
Your audience wants to hear and see you. So give them what they want and be authentic. #smtips Share on X

#4: Promote your Page.

Do you have an email list? What about a website? Why not encourage them to like your Facebook Page too?

Facebook Like box on your website

Adding a Facebook Like box to your website is beneficial to growing your page



How else can you promote your Facebook page?

  • Add your Facebook page url into your email signature
  • Embed a Facebook Like Box onto your website
  • Cross-promote on other social platforms
  • Add your Facebook Page url onto business cards, flyers and any other promotional items.
  • Engage in Facebook groups that have your ideal customers in them. Don’t be salesy, add great value and help people.


These strategies may seem obvious, but doing them consistently will do wonders for your page.

If you do decide that running Facebook ads are the way to go, make sure to run ads with limited text, and pay close attention that the messaging in your ads complements your messaging on your page.

When I do have a really important post that I want to ensure gets seen by more people, I try to make sure that I target very carefully, craft a really great post, and once the boosted post is complete, invite anyone who liked the post to like my page.

Do you have any tips or tricks that have worked really well for increased engagement and likes on your Facebook page? Share with me in the comments!