I don’t know about you, but sometimes I need to change up my Facebook Newsfeed.
Since I am on social media a lot, every once in awhile I need to make a few changes so that I enjoy Facebook more. With a few small edits, you can create a more positive Facebook Newsfeed and curate the content you want to see more of.
Don’t feel like reading? Listen now!
Use the Snooze Feature
For whatever reason, you might just need a ‘time out’ from certain people or pages on your newsfeed. Maybe you’re going through something, or that person is, but whatever the reason, there is the snooze feature that could help!
When you see a post that you’re not interested in seeing more of, simply click the 3 dots at the top right corner and click the ‘Snooze person for 30 days’ feature. This will allow you to not see this particular person or page content for 30 days.
Use the See First Feature
The next feature is almost the opposite of the first feature. With this feature you can choose which content from pages and people you see first. So when a particular page or person posts, you are more likely to see that content.
I really like the content from becoming minimalist because it’s positive and so I not only liked the page, but chose to see their content first.
To do this, visit the person or page, click the top where is says ‘Following’ and click on ‘See First’.
Using the ‘See First’ feature allows you to control more of what content you see, and you can design your newsfeed with the pages and people you want to see more of.
Use a Social Media Dashboard
If you manage a Facebook page for business and find yourself mindlessly scrolling instead of posting or responding to customers (guilty!) using a social media dashboard could be a great option for you, plus you don’t need to see anything within your newsfeed.
There are many options for social media dashboards and I wrote a post about it here. Read How to Choose the Best Social Media Management Tool for Your Business.
Are you on Facebook often? Are these features useful to you? Share with me in the comments!