The online world has created an ideal platform for video marketing. It serves as an opportunity to reach customers 24/7 and give a more personal touch than simple text and pictures.

Marketing for businesses has dramatically changed within the past few years. When I first started in the marketing world, it was all about radio, television, direct mail and newspaper, complemented with billboards, etc. Today we need to take into account mobile.

We are seeing things in a much more visual way where people can consume their content on their own time. Today almost everyone is within reach of their phone at all times and this has changed the marketing world for businesses.

We not only need to think about mobile but also providing customers information in a way that we aren’t interrupting them; pop-ups on websites, commercials- these are things that consumers get sick of, so creating great videos or influencer marketing can be a way to market in a less-intrusive way.

A business owner can gain a wide range of benefits and advantages through video marketing. People watch online videos in order to get to know about a particular product or service.

Here are some of the many benefits and uses of video marketing.

Answer questions

What better way to help out your current and potential customers than to provide them valuable information and answers to FAQ’s in a video format. Instead of just answering questions on one single web page, you can create informative videos.

Not everyone will find you via your website, so these videos will work well on YouTube, Facebook and even shorter clips on Instagram and Twitter. By offering people choices as to what platform they can learn about you and your product, you are helping to serve your customers.

This is an example of a short video I did because I was getting this question often from customers and people looking to add an admin to Facebook. I shared on YouTube and Facebook as well as now I have it to send to anyone looking for this particular answer.

Your videos don’t need to be lengthy, in fact, I try keeping mine short and sweet without any ‘fluff’ so that busy business owners can get the information they need and go actually do the work they need to get done.


Video marketing can be considered a cost-effective method available for a business to get its messages across. Gone are the days of spending thousands of dollars producing a short video commercial. People want to see a real person, and you can easily shoot great videos with your phone and edit using an affordable software like Filmora.

Once your video is complete, uploading your videos to YouTube, Facebook and embedding onto your own site don’t cost anything. Your business doesn’t have to spend money uploading your videos on these channels. However, these videos are in a position to deliver amazing results to your business in the long run. YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world and any video that is being uploaded to YouTube has the potential to reach a new potential customer.


Videos are able to connect you with another person as well as convey a message to the viewer in an effective way. Therefore, it is often more beneficial to market using videos other than using images or text.  You can touch on different parts of your business within seconds with the help of audio and visuals.

Video marketing is an easy process and you don’t need to have technical skills or marketing skills in order to engage in a successful marketing campaign. Plenty of video sharing platforms are available for businesses to share their videos. These video platforms are popular among people and they access those websites on a regular basis.

When people are quickly scrolling through their newsfeed, videos help your product, service and message stand out among the noise.

This is an example of a local PR company doing video interviews to help support local businesses and that resonate with her audience. Michelle does a great job with her Boss Talk series, gets amazing views and engagement, plus features some really cool businesses.

The main reason I think there are huge video marketing benefits is that anyone can create a simple video. If you don’t want to edit, you can simply do a live video and share your message. You don’t need to spend a lot of money on fancy equipment, you can simply use your phone.

Are you using video marketing for your business? What kind of videos have worked best for you? Let me know in the comments below!