If you’re like me, you love Instagram Stories! Instagram Stories is one piece of content that I watch daily.

And we’re not alone. 400 Million+ accounts use Instagram Stories every day.

So while we can see that using Instagram Stories is popular, how do you get your Stories seen by more people and stand out from all the noise? In this post I share 4 ways to increase your Instagram Stories views.

Would you rather listen? Check out The Social Launch Podcast where I discuss these strategies.

Use the Location Sticker

One of the easiest ways to get more views on your Instagram Stories is to add the location sticker. Once you take a photo or video, simply click on the sticker at the top, and choose your location.

get more views on your instagram stories

Choose the sticker on your Instagram Story and choose location to add your city or place.

You have the option of choosing the city you’re in, or more specifically, the exact location.

Adding your location to your Instagram Story The Social Launch

You can add your specific location to your story, change the colour, make the sticker smaller, and move around the screen

I was in Ottawa for a Lisa Larter event, and when I used the location tag, my story was viewed 10 times more than when I posted a regular story with no locations sticker! Plus, I got more Instagram followers, because they found my story, liked my content (I’m assuming) and followed me.

Add a #Hashtag

Using hashtags on your Instagram posts is a given, but you can also add to your story.

Depending on your story, you could add your specific site hashtag, or simply a tag related to your story. If there is a popular hashtag you use on your posts, try including on your story too.

Share your story

Although I don’t personally do this, I have had people send me their Instagram Story.

If you had a really interesting story that you think brings value to someone, you can share that with an individual.

There are a couple of ways to share your Instagram story:

  1. When you go to post your story, you click the Send To > at the bottom of your story, and then choose who you want it to go to.
  2. Once your story is posted, click into your story, click the 3 dots on the lower right corner and click Send To, and you can choose who to send to. You can also decide to add as a highlight to your profile, which will also get more views of your story.

You can also save your story and share to other social media platforms and let people know to follow you on Instagram to see more of your stories.


Another way to get more views of your Instagram Story and potentially more followers is to collaborate with a like-minded account.

Story takeover

One way to collaborate is to do a story takeover on a complementary account. So if you are a local bakery, maybe you collaborate with the chamber of commerce, or another interesting business close to you.

When you do a takeover of someone else’s account, you can reach a whole new audience, share your story with them, and then ask them to follow you on your account for more stories.


Another way to collaborate with another account is to do some sort of story including another account and @mention them, and they do the same for you. You could run a contest, or simply give each other a mention about a podcast interview, a guest blog post, or an event you are both hosting.


Contests are generally run on Instagram posts themselves, but you could include Instagram Stories as one component of the contest, or to announce the contest. You could also use your story as a way of finding out a secret code word they need to enter, or an action they need to do in order to enter. You could run this contest as a collaboration, or on your own.

Are you using Instagram Stories? Let me know your account below!