Are you struggling to use Twitter because you can’t imagine posting all day long?

Are you running out of good content to share?

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Using Twitter can seem like a daunting task because of the fast-paced feed and posting more than once a day. Lucky for you, you don’t need to sit around posting all day (although logging in once or several times a day will make it easier to engage and interact with people).

Here are 3 tools to help you automate your Twitter account so you will have more time to spend on your business.


Hiplay is amazing and one of my favourite tools to keep my Twitter account updated. Connect your Hiplay account to Buffer (which is my next favourite tool) and it will re-buffer your old evergreen posts automatically.

This is a great tool if you are writing blog posts and want to keep re-sharing them and get more website traffic, without having to remember to share them yourself.

Hiplay is also very reasonably priced, starting at only $5/month for their basic plan which gets you 3 profiles, 200 evergreen posts /profile, and unlimited rebuffers. They also have a popular and advanced plan for more options.

Need more help with your Twitter account? Download a Twitter Optimization Checklist >>


As mentioned above, I have my Hiplay account tied to my Buffer account so that I can easily share content throughout the day on Twitter.

Buffer allows you to choose a few times during the day that you want content sent out to Twitter. Instead of logging into Twitter and sending out multiple Tweets all at once, you can add posts to your queue and then they will be sent out automatically to the posting schedule that you setup.

buffer allows you to automate twitter for business


Many blogs with social sharing buttons have the option to share via Buffer. So that means any great content that you find online you can simply send to your Buffer account and it will be sent out when you have it set to send out.


buffer share option to automate twitter for business

I use the basic plan but Buffer also has a popular ‘Awesome Plan’ and Business Plan which offers more analytics and options to collaborate with team members.


Quuu is a platform that provides curated content suggestions to help provide you with content to share. This is especially handy for businesses or individuals who don’t create their own blog posts to share.

All you need to do is select the interests for content you want to share and it works with your Buffer or Hubspot account.

Not only that, but you can also submit your own content to their Quuu promote option to get more shares of your blog post. This has helped increase my shares from on average 20-40 shares to over 400 shares on one single blog post.

quuu promote helps get more shares of a blog post


If you are struggling using Twitter and keeping your account fresh and updated, these tools will definitely help and will also help increase your following and engagement.

Although I don’t recommend fully automating your Twitter account (or any social media profile), these tools will help give you time to engage with other accounts, reply, and comment on other accounts’ Tweets.

Do you have any favourite tools for Twitter? I would love to hear about them!

Need more help with your Twitter account? Download a Twitter Optimization Checklist >>