Social media is necessary for every business – 87 percent of small and medium businesses say that social media has helped their business.

Choosing the right social media platform for your business is so important. You don’t necessarily need to be on every social site, but the social media platform that you do decide to be on needs to be set up well, and needs to be complete.

Social Media Platforms

Not sure which social media platform is best for you and your business?

Check out a simple overview of the main social media platforms you should seriously consider using:


If you are looking to get started with social media, Facebook is a great place to start. Facebook is used by 936 million daily active users on average.

Facebook is beneficial because:

  • Easy-to-use and easy to promote your products and services
  • Has useful analytics tools to track the success of your post
  • Easy-to-use advertising options

Quick Tip: Be careful not to be too overly promotional in your posts, as Facebook frowns on this- and so will your audience.


An amazing social media platform to get short ‘headlines’ of information in a short period of time.

Great for getting ideas and info quickly, but make sure you create interesting content in less than 140 characters.


A professional online networking platform, which is perfect for connecting with fellow professionals, discussing and providing informational content in groups and sending important messages to contacts which (should) contain useful information about your business and services.

LinkedIn is more serious than Facebook- not a place to be posting party pics and grumpy cat… although you shouldn’t be posting that on any of your business social media platforms, unless it relates to your audience of course.


This social media platform is rising in popularity quickly.

A super fun site to use and browse photos,  and easy to post images to share.

This site is ideal for:

  • businesses or individuals with interesting visuals to share
  • Artists,
  • Celebrities
  • Retail shops
  • Bands
  • Businesses running contests, or who want to share cool visual content about their office, staff, events and awards.

There are hundreds of social media platforms to choose from, this is simply a list to get you started. Whichever site you decide to focus on, make sure you take the time to complete your profile, add some interesting, relevant and useful content to share with your audience, and remember- it’s called social media for a reason. Engage with your audience and don’t be overly promotional.